Amritsar: Drawing a parallel with the demands of farmers of Punjab with those in Madhya Pradesh (MP), the peasant bodies in Majha region have urged the government to fulfil their demands of farm lo

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Implementation of crop insurance schemes, 07/04/2017. State/Union Territory-wise tentative details of farmers insured/covered under PMFBY, RWBCIS including crop insurance component of UPIS, during 2016-17 are Annexed. As per tentative data available claims of Rs.

It is widely acknowledged that unmitigated risks provide a disincentive for otherwise optimal investments in modern farm inputs. Index insurance provides a means for managing risk without the burdens of asymmetric information and high transaction costs that plague traditional indemnity-based crop insurance programs.

Uninsured risk constrains households in their production decisions in many developing countries. Similarly to crop insurance, employment guarantees can support farmers in managing agricultural production risks.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Compensation for Damaged Crops under Insurance Scheme, 14/03/2017. While various crop insurance schemes have been under implementation since 1985 however, subsequent to a comprehensive review, National Agricultural Insurance Scheme [(NAIS) (Rashtriya Krishi Bima Yojana)] was introduced in 1999.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Implementation of Crop Insurance Scheme, 10/03/2017. To provide financial support to the farmers in the event of crop failure as a result of natural calamities, Government has implemented various crop insurance schemes since 1985.

Agricultural productivity depends on several factors. These include the availability and quality of agricultural inputs such as land, water, seeds and fertilizers, access to agricultural credit and crop insurance, assurance of remunerative prices for agricultural produce, and storage and marketing infrastructure, among others.

THE World Bank Group’s Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF) and African Reinsurance Corporation (Africa Re) have entered into an agreement to carry out a risk-sharing facility to subsidize premiu

Climate change and variability are major challenges to rain-fed crop production in Africa. This paper presents a report on a pilot project to test a concept for operationalizing weatherindex crop insurance as a social adaptation to the climate change and variability problem in the Upper West Region of Ghana.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Compensation Under Crop Insurance Scheme, 22/11/2016. As per provisions of the schemes, the claims are being processed and
settled by the concerned insurance companies based on the final yield data/weather data provided within the stipulated time by the State Government/designated agencies.
The claims settled by the insurance companies during Kharif 2015 and Rabi 2015-16 under various crop insurance schemes are annexed.
