Having completed the field work of tiger census for a week in the Sathyamangalam forests, the Forest Department is now in the process of compiling data for submitting it to the Wildlife Institute o
Apouch of organic brown rice or arhar dal, or anything organically grown is enough to remind us of Vandana Shiva-scholar and relentless campaigner of eco rights, who has made the term 'organic' part of uppity fashion. Her 'Navdanya' label of organic grains, grown in her Dehradun farm of the same name, has become a brand.
Will provide post-retirement solution for Army men, boost rural economy DEHRA DUN: An Army Bio Ressource Centre to train retiring personnel in rural technologies so as to enhance their post-retirement earnings will be established here with the help of the Himalayan Environmental Studies Conservation and Research Organisation (HESCO).
Why are we, as a nation, so non serious about following through on actions? Is it the curse of a foreign language in which we act, but not think, that we pick up words and so believe the deed, too,
The latest Western celebrity to seek the East's heating touch is British billionaire and father-in-law of cricket icon lmran Khan, Sir James Goldsmith. The healer is the renowned metal
the director general of the Indian Council for Forestry Research and Education (icfre) in Dehra Dun, B N Gupta, recently stressed the need for disseminating correct information on issues