Latin America has the planet's largest land reserves for agriculture and had the most rapid agricultural expansion during the twenty-first century. A large portion of the expansion replaced forests, as shown by many local and regional studies. However, expansion varied regionally and also replaced other land covers. Further, it is important to distinguish between changes in cropland and pastureland as they produce food at different levels of efficiency and intensity.

Much before Operation Greenhunt, people

THE protection of forests and rivers is at the heart of protecting the ecology of the Himalayas. But any long-term, sustainable effort must include the concerns of people living near forests and rivers.

It is not easy to initiate a movement for water conservation in the face of drought. But the Madhya Pradesh government pushed forward in all the villages of the state

People displaced by a dam on the Tawa, the Narmada s biggest tributary, charted their own rehabilitation through exemplary management of natural resources

This publication contains prominent articles collated from 200 issues of science and environment fortnightly, Down to Earth, from 1992 onwards.

Five years ago, Nigerian social activist Ken Saro Wiwa was killed because he fought against multinational oil companies and dared to assert the Ogonis claims to their resources. Now, oil giant Shell will face a lawsuit in the US that could cost the comp

Kerala launches a movement of the people, by the people, for the people. Whether the movement will stand the test of time is yet to be seen, but enough is taking place in the state now to be optimistic about the future

Why should anyone, honest or dishonest, pay an iota of money as tax to such an incompetent political and bureaucratic system?

The dense Melaghar forests in Tripura that were destroyed during the Bangladesh war have been revived through the efforts of the Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose Briksha Mitra Sangh
