Finding a link between genes and the evolution of disease can give a new dimension to drug development

A rare tree whose extracts are used for an anti cancer drug is being felled illegally

Local pharmaceutical groups in Jakarta have decried a draft law aimed at a drug patents crackdown by the government. The roaring medicine business in the city is attributed to several copies of same

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The killer malarial parasite may become vulnerable if drugs that target a particular enzyme are developed

Ranitidine hydrochloride (Zantac) is one of the most extensively studied and widely used drugs of all time. This has provided an excellent opportunity to define its safety profile.

On December 26, 1996, the Convention to Combat Desertification, a UN treaty aimed against formation of new deserts, came into force. It was one of the pacts agreed at the UN sponsored Rio summit in

Indiscriminate use of melatonin is being debated by the public health authorities in the US

A safely tested new drug to help septuagenarians remember was disclosed at the recent annual meeting of neuroscience in Washington, US. The drug contains a new class of molecules called ampakines,

Drugs that combat growth of cancer by blocking blood supply lines for tumours are being tried for the first time on humans. These new compounds disrupt the chemical signals exclusive to tumours and
