Climate-conscious consumers want to cut their carbon footprints. Retailers have responded, initially, labelling air freighted produce with an airplane. But this simplistic strategy hit developing country producers in an unfair way, and today schemes to consider the full carbon lifecycle of goods are underway.
Researchers have developed an eco-friendly inflatable solar panel called SolarStore for domestic use, which would help to save nearly 0.2 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year. According to a report in ENN (Environmental News Network), the SolarStore harnesses the sun's natural energy to warm domestic water and can heat up to three full tanks of water per day at temperatures close to 80
Within the framework of the Environmental Protection Act, 1986, that consolidated the provisions of the Water Act of 1974 and the Air Act of 1981, India established pollution control boards to prevent, control and abate environmental pollution.
at a a recently held workshop at the Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai, a consensus was reached to adopt an eco-label scheme for Indian leather in accordance with international standards. The workshop was sponsored by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization's ( unido 's) regional programme for pollution control in the tanning industry in Southeast Asia ( r e po ).
Initial estimates by the New Delhi-based Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) suggest that around 1,650 MW of electricity was saved countrywide during FY10 through the use of star-rated air-conditioners, refrigerators, tube-lights and colour TVs. This includes nearly 350 MW saved by CTVs alone.
The Indian textile and clothing industry plays a dominant role in the national economy and has a prominent position in
the global textile industry. This study conducted domestic market
research to help lay the groundwork for formulating effective marketing strategies for eco-friendly products in the domestic