The 20th Tanzania Economic Update (TEU) shows that accelerating a fertility decline has the potential to enable the country to reap the benefits of a demographic dividend, which refers to how improved health and reduced fertility can drive economic growth.

Digitalization is the transformational opportunity of our time. The digital sector has become a powerhouse of innovation, economic growth, and job creation. Value added in the IT services sector grew at 8 percent annually during 2000–22, nearly twice as fast as the global economy.

The Rwanda Economic Update edition 22 reviews the country’s macroeconomic performance and prospects and includes a special section focusing on Mobilizing Domestic Savings to Boost the Private Sector in Rwanda. In 2023, Rwandan economy demonstrated resilience, achieving a 7.6 percent growth in a challenging global environment.

Watersheds play a crucial role in sustaining the ecosystem, biodiversity, wildlife, agriculture, and human population by serving as the natural resource base for all forms of life. These natural boundaries of river catchments form a mosaic covering the entire land surface of the earth.

Africa's Macroeconomic Performance and Outlook is the African Development Bank Group's biannual publication, released in the first and fourth quarter of each year.

Finance Minister presented a “white paper” on the Indian economy in Parliament on February 08, 2024.

On current trends, the future of global poverty reduction will be determined by Sub-Saharan Africa.

As Djibouti embarks on its second phase of development, it is crucial to ensure that the benefits of growth are felt by all segments of society, particularly women and youth.

The Indian economy is likely to grow at over 7 per cent in the coming years and is expected to become the third-largest economy in the world in the next three years, with a GDP of $5 trillion, driven by domestic demand along with supply-side measures such as investment in infrastructure and measures to boost manufacturing, the Ministry of Financ

Prospects for Children in 2024: Cooperation in a Fragmented World is the latest edition of the Global Outlook, a series of reports produced each year by UNICEF Innocenti – Global Office of Research and Foresight, which look to the key trends affecting children and young people over the following 12 months and beyond.
