The UN’s trade and development body has downgraded its global economic growth projection for 2022 to 2.6% from 3.6% due to the Ukraine war and to changes in macroeconomic policies made by countries in recent months.

Tanzania has made important achievements in expanding women’s economic opportunities over the past 20 years. The female labor-force participation rate rose from 67% in 2000 to 80% in 2019, well above the average of 63% for Sub-Saharan Africa and among the highest rates on the continent.

High income inequality can engender a wide range of negative impacts. It can harm child development, increase ill-health and mortality, limit the status of women, generate distrust in government, exacerbate levels of violence and social unrest, slow the pace of poverty reduction and hinder economic growth.

RES4Africa Foundation, IRENA and the UN Economic Commission for Africa have developed a joint report analysing the job and socioeconomic impact of clean energy investments on the African continent.

This paper proposes a projection of macroeconomic and environmental conditions to 2030 in order to help clarify some of the likely major Economic and Environmental challenges facing Developing Economies in their efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

World Development Report 2022: Finance for an Equitable Recovery examines the central role of finance in the economic recovery from COVID-19.

Sluggish growth, low human capital, labor market weaknesses, and exposure to shocks are holding Nigeria’s poverty reduction back says a new World Bank report “A Better Future for All Nigerians: Nigeria Poverty Assessment 2022”.

Climate change is impacting Africa disproportionately and will continue to do so, primarily by affecting the sectors that are key to the livelihoods of vulnerable communities, such as agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

The global economic recovery is facing significant headwinds amid new waves of COVID-19 infections, persistent labour market challenges, lingering supply-chain challenges and rising inflationary pressures.

The global recovery is set to decelerate amid diminished policy support, continued COVID-19 flare-ups, and lingering supply bottlenecks. In contrast to that in advanced economies, output in emerging market and developing economies will remain markedly below pre-pandemic trends over the forecast horizon.
