Zhang Yan

We share plenty of common concerns and stances on a variety of important issues concerning world peace and development, says Zhang Yan, China

Ramaswamy R. Iyer

There is in Nepal a deep ambivalence about India, which many in India tend to misinterpret as anti-Indianism.

India-Nepal relations have been badly mismanaged on both sides. The time has come to make a break with the past and explore new beginnings. In his article in the issue of 15 September of The Hindu, Prof. S. D. Muni has already covered the larger aspects of strategic and security concerns. This article will focus on water relations, though some reference to the larger context cannot be avoided.

P. S. Suryanarayana


P. S. Suryanarayana

Doha Round talks will

Rituparna Bhuyan / New Delhi July 31, 2008, 0:19 IST

Indian farmers and food security activists are relieved over the inconclusive mini-ministerial meeting at Geneva, which had been convened to finalise the Doha Round of world trade talks.

D Ravi Kanth / Geneva July 30, 2008, 0:18 IST

The battle to conclude negotiations for Doha in agriculture and market-opening for industrial products broke down due to unbridgeable differences between India and the United States over the trigger and remedy for using the Special Safeguards Mechanism (SSM) by developing countries to check sudden surges in imports of vulnerable farm products.

After 12 days of intense negotiations, Commerce Minister Kamal Nath and his US counterpart US Trade Representative Susan Schwab failed to agree on a figure for using the SSM.

D Ravi Kanth / Geneva July 29, 2008, 0:26 IST

The United States yesterday applied strong pressure tactics at the mini-ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) by blaming India and China

B. Muralidhar Reddy

Member nations to sign accord for launch of SDF

Heads of state likely to hold bilateral meetings

To sign pact for Afghanistan's entry into SAFTA

COLOMBO: The process for the SAARC Summit, scheduled here on August 2 and 3 was set in motion on Sunday with the meeting of the programming committee consisting of senior officials from the member countries.

Business Standard / New Delhi July 24, 2008, 0:04 IST
