In Karnataka, a lesson in water scarcity

Can make you literate

The information technology (IT) revolution has finally reached Afghanistan. The country's first batch of IT students recently graduated from Kabul University with industry-standard certificates in

The new National Council of Educational Research and Training ncert textbook on mathematics for class 1 is a welcome change from the earlier dull version. The layout is more attractive and multicoloured illustrations abound. But there is a major drawbac

The Afghanistan government and UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) will begin a new training programme for teachers before the new school year begins next month. Four million Afghan children are

What were The Royal Indian Engineering College grads really up to? A history...

Educational tools need not be the prerogative of the privileged

The state of India's science research Harnessing technology for the Indian farmer. That is what this unique web-based initiative of ITC's International Business Division wishes to do. Combining a broad set of

Should local communities pay for Western notions of global benefit ?
