ONE CHILD in three is not registered at birth, leaving them without proof of identity or age that may deny them education, healthcare and even nationality, according to the United Nations Children's

Click here to participate in an archaeological expedition some 2,000 km away from home. Thanks to the Internet, 30 Australian students will go on line for a lesson in history

Children of Delhi rediscover Yamuna.

How s India doing in providing basic social services?

The iit s have rarely attracted poor students. So why should middle class students be subsidised? I pay my taxes to support the poor not the rich

South Asia fares pathetically when it comes to basic education. The latest UNDP report has some solutions

The Education Guarantee Scheme of the Madhya Pradesh government is a new approach to encouraging rural children to attend school. And the scheme is looking good in the early stages

scientists in the us have discovered why Asians often do better at school. Parents and children in Asia think that one has to work hard to do well while those in the West think one must have

To clarify whether dyslexia, a fairly-common disorder characterised by an unexpected low reading ability, involves the brain's defective processing of visual information, US-based National Center for

Computers master one of the most difficult languages on planet
