PUNE: The Union railways minister, Suresh Prabhu, in his e-address at the 6th CII GreenCo Summit 2017 said that all-round effort were being taken by the Indian Railways to reduce carbon footprint o
School students and teachers of around 300 Eco Clubs of schools across Himachal Pradesh would be trained by State Council for Science Technology and Environment (SCSTE) to manage natural resources
The members of Nagpur for Kids (NKF) Club on Tuesday attended an environmental conservation workshop organized by Green Vigil Foundation (GVF) at Comrade Activity Zone, Mytri Willows, near Empress
Jaipur: To enforce total ban on plastic in the city, the Jaipur Municipal Corporation (JMC) on Monday continued penalising commercial establishments for using plastic bags.
RISHIKESH: In a first of its kind initiative, 'green' crematoriums are planned to be built in villages along the Ganga (which have been branded as Ganga grams under the Namami Gange project).
The much delayed India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO), the country's most ambitious basic science project, may shift to Andhra Pradesh from Tamil Nadu as the state is showing no interest along wi