New Delhi: Gorging on mangoes is one of the great delights of summer. But the fun was sliced by half this season, no thanks to the surprise summer rains. Wholesale merchants estimate the harvest is down by 40-50%. The unseasonal downpour has made the uncommon varieties such as ratoil

The rise in fuel prices will mean costlier vegetables and fruits. The disparity in wholesale and retail prices will see a big jump in the coming days, say industry experts. The hike in diesel prices may make vegetables costlier by just 10-50 paise a kg, but in reality, the consumer would end up paying as much as Rs 10 extra, says S P Singh of Indian Federation of Transportation Research and Training. Some farmers, like those growing tomatoes around Delhi, are likely to be hit.

recently, the Indian Medical Association (ima) earned the dubious distinction of being the first association of medical professionals in the world to endorse a food brand. And that too of a company best known for its brands of non-nutritive and unsafe carbonated beverages. Going by the law of the land, this "endorsement' is illegal. The Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 clearly makes it illegal to label foods as wothy of being recommended by the medical profession.

the Indian Medical Association (ima) will now endorse PepsiCo's Tropicana fruit juices and its breakfast cereal Quaker Oats

It's a conflict of interest

Rising mercury fuels the demand for cut fruits & juices, but they can cause waterborne diseases if not vended hygienically As temperatures soar and the sun beats down relentlessly, glistening heaps of cut fruit and cool glasses of juice in stalls on the roadside become more and more inviting. Although they provide relief from the heat, they could still bring one to grief.

In India, primarily cattle dung is being used as an organic substrate for the production of biogas, however, majority of biogas digesters are underfed. Thus making it essential to evaluate other available organic sources for biomethanation. Various other animal wastes like poultry droppings, sheep droppings, rabbit droppings etc have been evaluated for biomethanation. Beside this, plant and crop residues have also been subjected to the process of anaerobic digestion under different conditions.

Hundreds of thousands of tons of watermelons are tossed every year because they aren't good enough for market. A new study finds that the juice from these watermelons could easily be used to create the biofuel ethanol and other helpful products.
