Enable Block: 

a reversible male contraceptive has been been developed by a team of

Cosmonauts aboard the damaged space station Mir, are cleaning up the ship and are preparing to return home after the most troubled mission in the space station's 11-year history. They are waiting for

the Organ Retrieval and Banking Organisation ( orbo ), the first of its kind in India, has been launched at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences ( aiims ). A 24-hour emergency

europeans will continue to be exposed to significant levels of dioxin caused by the disposal of scrap cars, despite a proposed legislation agreed by the European Union ( eu ) Commission. The

Of the estimated 52 million deaths worldwide in 1996, about 40 million were in the developing world, including nearly nine million in the least developed countries. Of the 40 million deaths in the

Government agencies had sponsored the study but were not interested in the results

• Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are highly toxic chemicals whose production and use has been banned all over the world. • PCBs are heat resistant, but when they burn at high

Used as coolants and for insulation, polychlorinated biphenyls are highly toxic

betel chewing is a national pastime in Taiwan. But now Taiwanese officials have decided to destroy the plantations that are growing on government-protected land, shut down the roadside stalls and

US rivers and lakes are poisoned by PCBs
