The Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) initiative, launched at the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning, aims to enable 120 million additional women to use modern contraceptive methods by 2020 in the world’s 69 poorest countries. It will require almost doubling the pre-2012 annual growth rate of modern contraceptive prevalence rat

The publication Youth in India attempts to identify the issues of importance for youth under the broad categories- Population dynamics, marital statistics, fertility & contraception, Mortality & Neonatal Health care, Literacy & Employment and Crime.

The campaign against Depo-Provera and the questions raised by the women’s groups still remain relevant. Reproductive rights, when reduced to “choice of contraceptives” without considering the overall health and well-being of women, result only in the control and “unfreedom” of women.

Karnataka will soon experiment with the hugely successful South African birth control technique to check the growing elephant population in the state, in the face of increasing human-elephant confl

DEHRADUN: In a bid to control monkey menace in the state, the Uttarakhand forest department in collaboration with the Wildlife Institute of India (WII) is going to introduce a project, pegged as th

In a bid to curb the problem of unwanted pregnancy, health and family welfare department of Uttarakhand has decided to administer free of cost Contraceptive Injections to the women across all the g

The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) - representing 125 national societies of obstetricians and gynecologists worldwide - released at the XXI World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics— its triennial 2015 World Report on Women’s Health entitled, The Unfinished Agenda of Women’s Reproductive Health.

Particular types of hormonal contraceptives (HCs) and genital tract infections have been independently associated with risk of HIV-1 acquisition. We examined whether immunity in women using injectable depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA), combined oral contraceptives (COC), or no HCs differs by the presence of cervicovaginal infections. Immune mediators were quantified in cervical swabs from 832 HIV-uninfected reproductive-age Ugandans and Zimbabweans.

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The objective of the study was to investigate the association between use of combined oral contraceptives and risk of venous thromboembolism, taking the type of progestogen into account.

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Previous studies of oral contraceptives and breast cancer indicate that recent use slightly increases risk, but most studies relied on self-reported use and did not examine contemporary oral contraceptive formulations. This nested case–control study was among female enrollees in a large U.S. integrated health care delivery system. Cases were 1,102 women ages 20 to 49 years diagnosed with invasive breast cancer from 1990 to 2009.

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