Studies in mild-to-moderate cases as well as severe disease leave us still searching for a magic pill. (Editorial)

The objective of the study wast to assess the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in patients admitted to hospital with coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) pneumonia who require oxygen.

The objective of the study was to assess the efficacy and safety of hydroxychloroquine plus standard of care compared with standard of care alone in adults with coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19).

The objective of the study was to delineate the clinical characteristics of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) who died.


The objective of the research was to delineate the clinical characteristics of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) who died.

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As coronavirus continues to spread, doctors and healthcare systems are facing a multitude of challenges at all stages of the pandemic.

The covid-19 pandemic that was declared on 11 March 2020 has affected countries on all continents. Reported case numbers are certainly underestimates given the shortages or unavailability of test kits in many countries, a virus with a basic reproductive value (R0) of 2.2, and evidence of viral shedding from asymptomatic infected people. (Editorial)

The objective of the study was to measure the energy content of frequently ordered meals from full service and fast food restaurants in five countries and compare values with US data.

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Adapting international guidelines to suit local context can drive evidence based practice in low and middle income countries, say Abha Mehndiratta and colleagues, as they describe a pragmatic approach to develop standard treatment guidelines for India.

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Air pollution exposure is the second most important risk factor for ill health in South Asia, contributing to between 13% and 21.7% of all deaths and approximately 58 million disability adjusted life years (DALYs) through chronic and acute respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses.1 Of the top 30 cities in the world with the poorest air quality in 2016, 17 are in South Asia.2 The impact of air pollution transcends boundaries. The “brown cloud”—caused by pollution from carbon aerosols—is a phenomenon captured in satellite images of atmospheric haze over South Asia, as well as China.
