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REELING under economic hardships, people of Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. Are afflicted these days with a new problem - an army of 10,000 stray dogs infected with rabies. The authorities have

stroke victims will now have better chances of survival. In a pathbreaking experiment, doctors from ucla Medical Centre, California, have developed a technique that reverses the plumbing of

russians today are living for shorter durations than a decade ago. A recent World Health Organization (who) survey has revealed that life expectancy in Russia has plunged to its lowest in 15 years.

South African President, Nelson Mandela, recently called upon the global community to act together to wipe out aids, which is wreaking havoc on nations all over the world. "As the freedom of each

several migrant workers from eastern Uttar Pradesh (up) who went to earn their livelihood in bigger cities like Mumbai, are reportedly coming back home infected with the deadly hiv virus.

for all parents in the us who suspect that their children are using drugs, a government-approved kit will soon be at their disposal. The kit called "Dr Brown's Home Drug Testing System" has

the German government called upon agricultural and health experts to hold an emergency meeting on January 22, following a report of the confirmation of the nation's first case of bse (bovine

sekap, the Greek cooperative cigarette manufacturing company, has developed a cigarette filter which it claims will drastically reduce adverse effects of smoking. George Delikonstantinos, one

A problem of mammoth proportions has besotted the Thai capital as well as Phuket, Pattaya and Chiangmai. Nearly 100 elephants from the northeastern part of the country have recently been brought to

the latest item to join the list of banned products in Europe because of its possible risk to human health is an antibiotic called avoparcin. The European Union (eu) is going to ban the
