The ancient capital of India is unable to handle its garbage

Tonnes of garbage

most Andhra Pradesh hospitals lack facilities to treat the hazardous pile-

deputy chairperson of the planning commission K C Pant inaugurated

The Punjab environment protection department in Pakistan has directed six city hospitals to manage their waste properly to help check the incidents of hospital-acquired diseases among the general

Participants at a recently held workshop stressed the need for proper treatment of hospital wastes

The biological method of hospital waste management, which helps reclaim degraded land and cultivate medicinal plants, may be the best alternative to incineration

health Care Without Harm, a us -based coalition of environmental groups accused the World Bank of "environmental racism' for backing projects that fund dioxin-producing medical waste

The Delhi High Court has ordered a ban on burning and dumping of garbage in public parks and open sites. The court has also ordered the government to hand over 100 acres for new landfill sites

JAMNAGAR is one of three cities in Gujarat which boasts of a large lake: the Ranmal lake. Once the pride of the residents of this historic city, also known as the Paris of Saurashtra, the lake has
