Enable Block: 

France, which had raised the ire of many nations by going ahead with its underground nuclear testing programme from September last, may have to face some more music. Reportedly, the atomic

All good governance systems teach us that development efforts should be cost effective and include peoples' involvement, stakeholder participation and transparency

Statistics and studies on mining in Goa are rare, few and far between... for obvious reasons, because the private mine- owners form a powerful interest group in the state, which most politicians

The heavenly idyll of a carefree people, happy to welcome tourists, gay in their carnival, peaceloving and gastronomic, is being devastated due to the avarice of miners

The micro watershed development project in Maharashtra has put a stop to what was earlier an annual ritual of deserting the drought prone villages of Marathwada by their residents

A scion of one of Ranchi's Bihar royal families, K S SINGH retired #s the director general of the Anthropological Survey of India ASI . He spoke to AMIT MITRA about the hallmark of his illustrious career The People of India Project a produc

THROUGHOUT the developed world today, there is a determined effort to clean up the air, and railways are being pushed as the most convenient, eco-friendly, cheap, fast and comfortable mode of

Resentment simmers in 27 villages near Gopalpur-on-Sea, Orissa, where the Tata Iron and Steel Company proposes to set up a steel plant on 290 ha of fertile land. Villagers clarify that they
