Enable Block: 

Will the National Alliance of People's Movements be a whiff of Fresh air blowing in winds of change, reforming the way the country views development?

The discovery of two planets orbiting stars similar to the sun has thrown up intriguing possibilities of life existing in the outer space

Eleven years after the Bhopal gas catastrophe, the Government of India finally recognises communities' right to know about neighbourhood industrial operations

Among various art forms, from the state of Bihar that India is proud of, the already famous Mithila painting has now beckoned the Star TV. This intricate art form will be used as

Late last year, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Indian Railways (IR) castigated the for squandering money on import deals which would not fully satisfy India"s needs for indigenisation of technology. Down To Earth discovered that though el

CAPITAL COSTS The capital cost of an electric loco is 3.22 crore. At least 7 MW is required to run an electric loco an the tracks. With Rs 4.25 crore per MW needed to set up one power plant,

The socio ecological implications of the knowledge revolution are many and multifaceted. But the world needs a system where a 'post bi polar' order is yet to be defined

• Constitute a Central crisis group at the Centre • Constitute state, district and local level crisis groups • Set up a 24-hour functional control room at the MEF,

There is a suspicion among African biomedics about the well projected linking of the continent's environment with the emergence of lethal viruses like the evil Ebola Zaire

AIRBORNE archaeology' is the theme that the artist-photographer Marilyn Bridges tried to convey in her recent exhibition of photographs. The exhibits were on view in the American Museum
