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With the creation of a new variety of rice plant which is resistant to bacterial leaf blight, genetic engineering has once again made one of its most effective imprints in agriculture. The transformed species could put an end to the devastation

• India's first environmental management system certification BS 7750, equivalent to ISO 14001, the interna- tional environmental standard, was receutly awarded to the Orissa-based Nicco

It was the bane of the rubber tree, as the fungus Phytophthora literally ate into its every part. With the discovery of antifungal wood extracts, however, the fungus can be stopped dead in its tracks. The extract also meets today's criterion of eco

TRIBALS and patent rights activists have something to cheer for. In the first instance of its kind, the Kani tribe dwelling in the Agastyar hills in southern Kerala, will get the rights over an

TWO marine bacteria, isolated by biotechnologists of the Central Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair, Andamans, could prove to be a boon in managi 'ng oil spills. The two bacteria proved

PEOPLE in rural areas are surely waking up to fight for their rights. A hundred odd families belonging to two tiny villages of Mitihini and Khairi in Sonebha,dra district of Uttar Pradesh, have

Good and yet affordable technology for cars without sooty exhaust pipes spewing fumes is close at hand. Their future now hinges on a suitable battery

The Supreme Court of India sounded the death knell for five large chemical industries in Rajasthan in an order given on February 15. The industries were given closure orders for producing a

Engineers are hot on the heels of a new supersonic commercial aircraft, while the untiring wings of the good old Concorde receive ageing monitors

Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, well... laser was, naturally, thought to be a superheater. But, soon it will be used as a cooling agent
