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The state forest department of Kerala has been ordered by the High Court not to carry on with its proposal for constructing a forest lodge in Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary. Apparently, the

Wired books Small-time publishers have come up with a novel way of reaching an enormous readership: netting out the material. Aptly titled E-zines, the electronic magazines

The arguments and counter-arguments were well in place. What went abegging was a joint consensusamong the 38 nations participating in the IO-week United Nations-sponsaredsession of the Conference

THERE seems to be no limit to the harm done on the environment in the name of development., At least one lakh trees - mainly coconut - are proposed to be felled to clear the ground for a proposed

What Canada wants in the UN from a forest convention is a mystery. Is it pushing a convention to protect its own economic interests in forestry?

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) is on a massive public aware- ness campaign against pollution, especially in urban areas. A new addition to its strategy is an electronic signboard (LED

The World Bank has some unhappy forebodings for Bangladeshis. In its recent report, it estimates that the nation will face a food deficit of over 40 lakh tonnes ( t) in the current year as a result

THE paper industry of Punjab has shown utter disregard for environmental concerns by openly flouting the rules regarding discharge of waste and effluents. And the state pollution control board has

A lot, apparently. Neem Azadirachta indica and the I?roducts derived from it have traditionally been widely used for centuries, especially in India, for medicinal purposes and pest control. Recognising its vast potential, Western science and industry

Some US based environmental wisemen started out to debate Bihar's problems, sans field knowledge, and went back home foot in mouth
