Enable Block: 

The explosive growth in the use of cellular telephones is threatening the field of radio astronomy which investigates everything from the formation of galaxies to finding better ways of

OF LATE, some industrialists and planners have started including environmental aspects on their agenda. The Madras-based Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI) has designed a Rs 150- crore

INDIANS are a peculiar lot. They have three 'unique' genes which are not present in any other race across the world. These genes, belonging to the group DR2, put them at a high risk of contracting

DOCS the use of ivory tusks of the prehistoric mammoth, whose fossils were excavated some 10 years ago, defy the Wild Life Protection Act, 1972? This is the question facing the Delhi

The US government is, of late, Under pressure to pursue virtual environment technology aggressively. The outcome of the move could mean business houses trying out products not yet manufactured, or medical students taking trips through the human ci

A newly developed electric scooter happens to be the product of ..an accident? Well, a Japanese scientist unexpectedly discovered what he claims is the world's most magnetic material. This magnet which made this scooter a possibility, may setoff ma

Surrey University in the UK, specialising in satellite engineering, is developing a hybrid rocket motor that uses liquid and solid fuel, both of which are environment friendly This breakthrough could make space satellites much easier and far cheap

INDIA is facing a new kind of invasion. Native bee colonies in south India are threatened by a viral disease, believed to have been carried in by foreign bees. The viral infection, known as Thai

No more illusions A new survey conducted by the New York based market research concern, Find/SVP, estimates that the number of Internet users in the US is only 9.5 million. The survey

YET another instance of mindless destruction of forests: a pine forest, specially grown at a cost of Rs 10 lakh a decade ago, will be razed to make way for a VIP, complex close to the Raj Bhawan
