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Like any global agreement the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible and Sustainable Fishing Sets out ideals:

Explaining the rise of 400 per cent cases of leukaemia, Raymond Liang Hin-Suen of the University of Hong Kong has recently postulated the incidence of the malady with exposure to organic

INTERCONNECTED, compassionate, vulnerable: these are some of the words that convey people's feelings about their relationship with the earth. Environmentalism is not just a set of beliefs,

The discovery of the Riwoche horses in a remote area tucked away in the mountains of Tibet is being viewed as the missing block in the equine evolutionary puzzle

The use of mice in laboratories started In the 17th century, when biology per " was transformed from a classical science to an experimental science. William Harvey (1578-1657) was the first

A court order staying the culturing of exotic predatoryfish in the Andaman 6 Nicobar waters sets a unique precedent

To commemorate the World Diabetes day on November 14, 1995, Novo Nordisk of Bangalore launched a few new services. A mere fax connects one to a panel of doctors who provide answers

TRACKING DOWN TUMOURS: Cancer detection will be much easier with the help of a cancer monitoring device developed by the Bangalore-based Defence Bio-Engineering and Electro-Medical

Scientists in Switzerland have Begun preparations to test a new oral vaccine for stomach ulcers. The vaccine is the result of a joint venture between the Boston-based biotechnology


Dates are making a comeback in the international market. Gulf countries, till now solely reliant on oil exports, are seeking to diversify into agricultural industries through the use of modern
