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As global temperatures seethe, the earth is no more a cool haven

A new serial on India's tribal heritage will soon hit Doordarshan's Channel 3. Bappa Roy, recipient of three President's awards for his anthropological and ethnographic films, is the

The impasse in Manipur, which represents the festering unrest in the entire Northeast, needs a caring administrative policy, not bullets and raids

The watermark offailure on the Government of India's mantle glares everybody in theface, as two warring riparian states flex their muscles in the absence of an effective national water management policy

The modalities of the model much acclaimed Kerala Model cannot survive long on self denial

The Bangladesh ministry of environment and forests has decided to grant licence to parties interested in setting up private farms for breeding and rearing wildlife species. The recent decision

When the earth gave birth to this free, There came no sound, A green shoot thrust In silence from the ground. Our births don't come so Quiet

Despite stringent criticism directed at its safety standards, DDT still rules as the major pesticide used by India's health sector

Eighty lakhsmaliscalefishworkers went on a strike allover India in January 1996, to protest against the government issuing licenses to largefishing vehicles. The Food and Agricultural Organization is insisting that states and stakeholders follow a

The survival and evolution of a species is dependant on both the competing claimsfor survival being asserted within the species and between different species. Timothy Flannery in his book The Future Eaters, explores the strategies backing evolu
