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A recent study reveals how the snow cover in Asia and Europe controls the intensity of the Indian monsoon.

PAMPERING APPLES Subsidies for apple growers in Himachal Pradesh, 1985-86 to 1990-91. Rs (in crores) HORTICULTURE DEPARTMENT  

At a recent conference, women farm workers got a chance to discuss their problems with agricultural experts.

Butterflies, a non government organisation, is helping street children to organise themselves and operate a restaurant in the Capital's main bus terminus.

Ancient health care systems such as ayurveda are gaining popularity once again as people become wary of allopathy and the hazards it involves.

The Supreme Court will decide whether medical practitioners can be held guilty of criminal negligence under the Consumer Protection Act.

CRATES for one hectare of tomatoes, which is grown as an off-season crop in Himachal Pradesh, require wood from 10 ha of chir pine forest, says R V Singh, former director general of the Indian

Most of the world's tropical forests are in the developing world. Guidelines have been suggested for researchers to regulate the flow of data to the developed world.

Dr Ram Kumar Kutty Lok Swasthya Parampara Samvardhan Samithy Post Box No 7102 Trichy Road, Ramanathapuram Coimbatore 641 045 Dr T N Manjunath Voluntary Health Association

Doctors and manufacturers seem unperturbed by the ever increasing price of Acetrome, a drug for heart valve transplant patients.
