MARGAO: Locals from Nuvem have warned of carrying out an agitation and a hunger strike if the Goa state pollution control board (GSPCB) fails to provide them a copy of its inspection report on the

Tribal school has been exposed to chimney smoke, fly ash, factory waste

DCM Engineeering Products, a company manufacturing automotive engineering parts, has allegedly made the lives of people residing in three villages situated in the vicinity of its plant miserable by

'The government should take steps so that toxic tannery solid waste cannot come out from the tanneries and dishonest feed producers cannot buy it'

With the Centre allocating Rs 2,037 crore for cleaning the Ganga, residents want the state government to allocate funds for cleaning various rivers in the state, especially the Sutlej.

Directions have been issued to about 48 industrial units polluting River Ganga to close down, the Rajya Sabha was informed on Monday.

PARADIP: IOCL has refuted the allegation of polluting water bodies near its refinery project that was levelled by local fishermen.

Armed With Health Dept Report, Ganganagar Locals Start Campaign Against Illegal Factories

Union Minister Prakash Javdekar Says NBWL Will Also Be Notified Soon

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of M/s Vishivkarma Bikes Vs. P.P.C.B. & Ors. dated 08/07/2014 regarding the running of an electroplating industry causing pollution, District Ludhiana, Punjab.
