The Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) has restored the right to appeal against forest clearances given to linear projects reversing its previous orders of August 2014 and January 2015, foll
Although India is set to become water scarce country by 2025 due to demand-supply mis-match, the water sector is expected to see investment of $13 billion from overseas players in the next few year
You wouldn’t know by looking at scruffy Vadnagar that it has a famous son. Tourists occasionally visit the walled part of the Gujarati town for its ornate wooden doors and balconies.
The Andhra Pradesh government on Thursday told the Hyderabad High Court that it will not issue any statutory notification for acquiring lands for the Capital Region immediately.
Japan will announce a $100 billion plan to invest in roads, bridges, railways and other building projects in Asia, a report said Tuesday, weeks after China outlined its vision for a new infrastruct
The vision of the Policy is to transform Kerala into a vibrant entrepreneurial society through inclusive, eco-friendly and sustainable economic growth.