The meeting of the UPA-Left panel on the India-US nuclear deal on Wednesday could well be the final opportunity for the controversial pact to go through before both Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and US president George Bush reach the end of their tenures in office.

with the India-usa nuclear deal making little progress, Russia and the us signed an agreement for bilateral cooperation in the field of civilian nuclear energy to facilitate trade and joint

talks between India and the us for a Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (bipa) are now focused on two issues

An initiative to link scientists in the poorest nations with colleagues around the world deserves support. (Editorial)

The two-day Africa summit in New Delhi last month opened a significant chapter in India's external affairs. Inaugurating the summit, attended by 14 African leaders, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

This book looks at methods to maintain a level playing field for US industry under domestic climate policy. Through an assessment of the economics and trade flows of key carbon-intensive industries, the authors evaluate a number of proposals included in current legislation. They argue that, given the limited role of exposed sectors in the US economy, measures need to be targeted rather than comprehensive. Efforts to contain costs for carbon-intensive manufacturing, if not properly considered, can harm other industries and raise the cost of reducing emissions for the economy as a whole.

In a major setback for asean's efforts to fight the haze in the region, Indonesian lawmakers have refused to endorse a bill that would have paved the way for Jakarta to ratify the grouping's

THE villagers at Xinwuli, Hunan, direct us through a 1000-year-old maze of cobblestone paths to the family home of one of their minor celebrities, Li Zi'an. Li's mother, a dignified woman named Chen, shuffles out on her spindly legs to greet us. "I don't know what my son is doing, only that he's working in Guangzhou and this spring festival he didn't come home," she says.

The Bush Administration has for the first time dropped public hints that its hopes of seeing the US-India civil nuclear deal may be ebbing, suggesting that the next administration and Congress could take up the landmark pact if it fails to meet the deadline now. Putting out a mixed message on its prognosis for the deal, the State Department said on Thursday that time certainly was running out, yet denying it was giving up hope as the deal could still make it to the Congress in the remaining months.

Paulson Urges China To Scrap Pollution Tariffs CHINA: April 4, 2008 BEIJING - China should drop the barriers it maintains against foreign-made anti-pollution equipment as a means of quickly cleaning up its dirty air and water, US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said on Thursday. In prepared remarks for delivery to the Chinese Academy of Sciences in which he praised the value of a "strategic economic dialogue" between the two countries, Paulson also welcomed China's action in letting the yuan rise in value.
