• DENGUE DETECTION KIT: Casil Health Products Ltd, Ahmedabad in colla-boration with Pan Bio Pty Ltd, Australia has developed a rapid detection kit for the dreaded dengue fever . The detection

a large arsenal of germ-resistant goods have occupied store shelves in Japan to tackle an imminent outbreak of the Escherichia coli ( E coli ) bacteria this summer. More than 9,000

ENVIRONMENTALISTS from Japan and other Countries are protesting against a government -funded dike, which has dried out the Isahaya wetlands in the Nagasaki Prefecture. The once-thriving wet-lands

IF PASSED, a new bill in Japan that defines brain death as legal death, will enable doctors to remove organs from people who are brainclead but are still on life support machines. In Japan, a

Flat screen televisions (TV) and computer screens that are larger than conventional models but weigh less could be on sale within two years at affordable prices, say scientists at Canon's Japanese

A Japanese company has developed blue light emitting diodes using gallium nitride, thus filling the gap in the spectrum of semiconductor light emitters

astronauts can now do away with oxygen cylinders. Scientists at the agency of industrial science and technology's National Institute for Resources and Environment have developed a battery that

Japanese consumers are a wasteful lot. Trees felled in Asian rainforests are dumped as old furniture after a few years of use by the Japanese. A study conducted by the Sarawak Conservation

Japan's only cigarette making company is facing its first challenge from five smokers who sued the company recently for trying to make them addicted to a harmful product. The company, Japan

THOUSANDS of people living in the Nigata, Kumamoto and Kagoshima pre- fectures in Japan had contracted the Minamata disease (first detected in the early 1950'5) -a form of organic mer- cury poisoning
