Solar power generation contributed to about 10 percent of peak summer power supplies of Japan's nine major utilities, equivalent to more than 10 nuclear reactors, the Asahi newspaper reported on Th

An increase in thyroid cancer among children is unlikely after the meltdown at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant four years ago, but it remains unclear exactly how much radiation children in the vici

The number of Japanese nuclear reactors likely to restart in the next few years has halved, hit by legal challenges and worries about meeting tougher safety standards imposed in the wake of the Fuk

SENDAI – Residents of three Miyagi Prefecture towns selected as candidate sites for hosting a permanent nuclear waste disposal facility barred the entry of Environment Ministry officials seeking to

Illegal online trade in furs and specimens of endangered animal and plant species has been rampant, prompting police and related authorities to bolster their countermeasures.

Fatal traffic accidents involving elderly pedestrians and cyclists occur most frequently between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m., a National Police Agency study has found.

Passive smoking raises the risk of periodontal disease for nonsmoking men by about 3.1 to 3.6 times, compared with men in smoke-free environments, according to a survey by Japanese researchers.

Japan will see mostly average to warmer weather from September to November, the official forecaster said on Tuesday.

At least 75 people have been injured and a 70-year-old man is missing after a powerful typhoon wreaked havoc across southern Japan, causing widespread disruptions to flights and train services, pow

KOBE – Police raided the headquarters of Japan’s largest yakuza syndicate Yamaguchi-gumi on Tuesday after 14 workers at a waste disposal plant in Kobe, western Japan, became sick after treating was
