JAIPUR: After a spell of dust storms and thunderstorms, heat wave conditions revived in the desert state on Thursday. Many places witnessed its maximum temperatures above the normal notch.

JAIPUR: With 20 projects of 1,500 MW capacity in pipeline, Rajasthan is targeting to increase its solar power generation to 3,780 MW by April next year in order to achieve the goal of 7,000 MW clea

The National Green Tribunal on Monday appointed court commissioners to verify allegations made in a plea regarding illegal sand mining in Jodhpur.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Ram Ji Vyas Vs. Union of India & Others dated 02/01/2018 regarding illegal mining going on in Beri Ganga Forest Block at Khasra No. 1405, 1259, 1262, 1294, 1298 and 1307 of Village Mandore Tehsil and District Jodhpur, Rajasthan. This fact is disputed by the State of Rajasthan. However the Court has on record the rejoinder dated 14th November, 2017 which speaks about illegal mining done in the forest block with the help of electricity connections vide report of the Deputy Conservator of Forest, Jodhpur.

Solar energy of the sandy areas of Jodhpur and Bikaner divisions will illuminate many villages of Punjab and Gujarat.

Jodhpur : With 5 deaths in 4 days, the Swine Flu has again rearing its head in Jodhpur.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of M.M. Charitable Trust & Others Vs. State of Rajasthan & Others dated 30/09/2016 regarding pollution of river Jojari in the District of Jodhpur by industries.

JAIPUR: Facing abrupt patterns of rainfall and other natural calamities, Rajasthan is by and large safe from the effects of earthquakes.

JAIPUR: The south-west monsoon has been fruitful for the state so far as Rajasthan has got 49.14% more rainfall compared to 2015.

JODHPUR: Two years after the Narendra Modi government announced the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY), expected to 'electrify' many border villages and hamlets of Jaisalmer and Barmer
