Ban on entry of cattle from Karnataka, Tamil Nadu

With the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease getting confirmed in Kerala, entry of cattle (cows, bulls, and buffaloes) from Karnataka and Tamil Nadu into Kerala has been banned.

The Endosulfan Peedhitha Janakeeya Munnani (EPJM) took out a march to the Nenchanparamba locality in protest against the district administration’s failure to clear the earth used to cover a pit whe

The endosulfan rehabilitation cell demanded that the report of the three-member endosulfan panel headed by justice C N Ramachandran Nair should be rejected and a separate tribunal should be set up

The Malabar Eco-cultural Association has demanded that the report submitted by the Commission headed by C. N.

A day after the Justice Ramachandran Nair Committee submitted its report on the endosulfan issue, outrage has erupted from various quarters in the state.

Govt Must Form A Team Of Docs To Advise Tribunal: Report

The state-appointed three-member expert committee on endosulfan issue has recommended constitution of a single-member tribunal and relief fund for endosulfan victims in Kasaragod.

Intercropping in cashew estates mooted for better results

Roads washed away, trees uprooted, houses under threat

Though there was a brief respite from the rain lashing northern Kerala on Tuesday, people living along the coastline of the district continue to live in fear and agony with unabated sea erosion battering several stretches of the coast.

With Kasaragod having declared an organic district, the State-owned Seed Farm here has decided keep all chemical fertilizers and pesticides away from its 25-acre paddy field at Karanthakad this sea

Unscientific disposal of sewage and pesticide residue from farmlands have contributed to organic pollution and chemical contamination of surface and groundwater resources in four river basins acros
