Exclusive jurisdiction of states over water hinders its proper management.

Co hopes to finalise equity deal by this month-end for its KG block that lies next to RIL’s D6 field

The Tamil Nadu government on Saturday moved the Supreme Court for a direction to the Centre to convene a meeting of the Cauvery River Authority immediately to perform its statutory obligations and approve the distress sharing formula evolved by the Cauvery Monitoring Committee (CMC) for sharing of flows of the Cauvery in view of the prevailing distress situation in Tamil Nadu.

In its application, the State said: “During the current irrigation year, 2012-2013, though the southwest monsoon is not vigorous in the Cauvery catchment of Karnataka, the State has received 21.9 tmcft in its four major reservoirs up to July 20,

AG: Public Trust Doctrine For Gas Creates Confusion

The petroleum ministry on Tuesday promised expeditious clearances to a proposal made by Mukesh Ambani-run Reliance Industries (RIL) and partner BP India to make fresh investments at four blocks at

Andhra Pradesh is not likely to get any water for its projects based on the Krishna river or its basin unless and until Maharashtra and Karnataka receive a quantity of 203.8 tmcft to fill theirs own projects first to combat semi-drought conditions reportedly prevailing there also.

Sources said Karnataka and Maharashtra Governments too are hard- pressed to store as much as water as possible in their projects for irrigation and drinking water supply as several districts are suffering from rainfall deficit. Alamatti and Narayanpur dams in Karnataka have 34.65 tmcft of water now but all of it lies below dead storage level.

Standing crops wither; drinking water crisis aggravates, The agriculture fields in the district would have been green with the sprouting green gram, soyabean, bajra and jowar crops had it rained as per convention. But then, with the showers eluding this part of the earth, there is still the shadow of drought over the district.

However, the crop that is the hardest hit is sugarcane. Cane grown on 25,605 hectares, out of the total 88,500 hectares in 428 villages has withered, leaving the farmers high and dry. The district administration has put the loss at Rs 1.26 crore.

Karad City is situated on the bank of confluence of river Krishna & Koyana, which is severely flood prone area. The floodwaters enter the city through the roads and disrupt the infrastructure in the whole city. Furthermore, due to negligence of the authorities and unplanned growth of the city, the people living in the city have harnessed the natural flow of water by constructing unnecessary embankments in the river Koyna. Due to this reason now river koyna is flowing in the form of a narrow channel, which very easily over-flows during very minor flooding.

This article is a systematic documentation and analysis of events that motivated development of irrigation in Madras Presidency in general and Krishna district in particular. In Krishna district, when the anicut was built in 1855, the phase-wise excavation of canals determined the phases of development of irrigation (1855-1900; 1900-1965 and 1965-2001) leading to three agro-climatic regions in the district viz., delta, moderate and dry regions (taluks).

The 136-year-old Red Hills reservoir, one of the city’s major primary drinking water sources, is set to be improved after several decades. The Water Resources Department (WRD) has not taken up any major project at the reservoir since 1994, except for maintenance work worth Rs.5 lakh every year.

The WRD has now called for a tender for the project, worth Rs. 10.16 crore, to strengthen the reservoir. The water level in the reservoir now stands at 8.43 feet. The department has not stepped up the level for a few months now, in order to facilitate repair work.
