THE Mexican government is outraged by us authorities' attempts to dump nuclear and toxic wastes in the predominantly Hispanic Texan town of Sierra Blanca. It has accused the us government of

Waste has become a global problem, and is demanding curative technologies that require almost preternatural efficiency to execute. And that keep collapsing nevertheless.

Every country should have, the right to protect its people and environment from the negative actions of foreign countries. Based on this basic principle, the German Minister, Klaus Topfer was right

This week on Urban Reality, we focus on Delhi mounting garbage problem. How can Delhi tackle this mess? We speak to Additional Solicitor General Of India Pinky Anand, Chitra Mukherjee of Chintan & Swati Sambyal of CSE

Public Forum : Drowning In Garbage

Take a look at the desperate state of our national capital engulfed as it is by trash. Just a few days back lives were lost after the monstrous Ghazipur dump collapsed. It is more than 50 metres high, it is not supposed to be more than 20 metres high; and with no other dump easily available, Delhi stares at a disaster in the making. Why now, in 2017, are we finally waking up to this ridiculous situation? Who is responsible and is there a real solution? We debate on The Buck Stops Here.

Fire from a burning garbage dump, which has been on for days, is resulting in high pollution levels in Mumbai. Lakhs of people are breathing in toxic air; more than 70 government schools in affected parts of the city have been shut down. There is an acrid smell in the air, say many residents of India's commercial capital. The government appears to have gone into lockdown. Apart from a tweet from the Chief Minister, no one seems to want to say anything. There is of course the standard response, we have ordered an inquiry and will wait for the results.

This review aims to summarize the existing knowledge on the environmental and occupational health risks of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) recycling and other end-of-life options.

It's an odd week for fuel sources. On the heels of a Mountain Dew powered engine, UK supermarket Tesco is getting flack for turning meat into energy-yah, you read that right.

The food chain is burning 5,000 tons of inedible meat for fuel. The biomass processing is being handled by the Cheshire-based PDM Group. The meat-energy is then used to power UK homes via the National Grid.

Transition from fossil fuel dominated energy to clean, carbon compliant sources demand its generation from alternative sources that could provide flexible and scalable solutions. This is the big challenge in view that the gas and coal fired installations continue to increase unabated notwithstanding the harsh realities of global warming and climate change consequences.
