THE last couple of decades have witnessed intense resistance movements challenging large-scale displacement caused, among others, by mines, dams, national parks and sanctuaries, bomb and missile-testing ranges, industry and urban expansion.
As approval for a crucial increase in the height of the Sardar Sarovar dam is awaited, there is concern about whether Maharashtra will complete the resettlement and rehabilitation of the affected p
The Maheshwar hydroelectric project on Narmada river in Madhya Pradesh has suffered another setback. The Portuguese government has refused to become a guarantor for a loan of Rs 200 crore being given
the 400 mw Maheshwar hydel dam project in the Khargaon district of Madhya Pradesh has run into trouble as the two German companies, VEW Energie and Bayernwerk, have withdrawn from the project. The
With the power requirements in Madhya Pradesh escalating to a massive 6,600 MW, the state is in dire requirement of additional sources of power generation.