An internation al workshop is being organised in the city to help in establishing a network for facilitating the collection, processing and dissemination of statistics pertaining of tropical timber and other forestry parameters. India is a signatory to International Tropical Timber Agreement (ITTA). The workshop will also take up issues like demand and supply, production and consumption data of tropical timber, which are required on an annual basis.

The government has finally geared up to fill a gaping hole in its forestry statistics

The 2010 Commonwealth Games are being touted as Delhi's ticket to the list of world-class, ultramodern metropolises. The grand plans that leave no stone unturned

In an effort to reduce the production and use of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) pesticides from polluting the atmosphere and harming human lives, India has initiated a National Implementation Plan. Being a signatory to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, a national plan sensitising different stakeholders about the obligations of India as a party to the convention and to develop strategies and action plans for the reduction and elimina tion of the target chemicals. The Stockholm Convention has come into force in India in 2006.

The Ministry of Environment and Forest made the budgetary provisions for North-east States to the tune of Rs. 4647 crore during the last three years. The year wise allocations were Rs. 1388.19 crore, Rs. 1520.14 crore and Rs. 1539.00 crore for the tears 2005-06, 2006-07 and 2007-08 respectively. The different Central Schemes were Development of National Parks and Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserve, Conservation and Management of Mangroves, Coral Reefs and Wetlands, Project Elephant, Project Tiger, National Afforestation Programme, and Gregarious Flowering Muli Bamboo.

The objective of this notification is protection and sustainable development of the coastal stretches and marine environment through sustainable coastal zone management practices based on sound scientific principles taking into account the vulnerability of the coast to natural hazards, sustainable livelihood security for local communities, and conservation of ecologically and culturally significant coastal resources.

Ministry of Environment and Forests has been implementing the National Lake Conservation Plan (NLCP) since 2001 for conservation and management of polluted and degraded lakes in urban and semi-urban areas. The major objectives of NLCP include
encouraging and assisting state Governments for sustainable management and conservation of lakes. Lakes being major sources of accessible fresh water, require well planned, sustainable and scientific efforts to prevent their degradation and ultimate

Confirming that UNESCO has put Manas and Keoladeo National Parks in

With a view to generate an awareness across a cross section of people living in the rural areas on the need of conservation of Natural Environment and the significance of bio-diversity conservation, the Doulguri Jnan Jyoti Sangha a premier socio cultural organization of Hazarikapara in Sipajhar LAC organized a day long awareness program on April 27 with the active support and cooperation from all sections of villagers.
