Since 1980 different pieces of legislations have been enacted for environmental conservation. These include the Forest (Conservation) Act (fca), 1980, the Environmental Protection Act (epa), 1986


Around the world as countries are struggling to arrive at an effective regulatory regime to control the discharge of industrial effluents into their ecosystems, Indian economy holds a double edged sword of economic growth and ecosystem collapse. This situation if mishandled can cause irreparable ecological harm in the long term well masked by short term economic prosperity.

There is no stopping the Bt brinjal trials now. The supreme court on December 10 refused to stay Mahyco's (Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company's) ongoing trials in various parts of the country. Social

Maharashtra has reasons to push for the power projects. Its electricity demand is estimated to have touched 13,500 mw by October 2007, while the supply is about 10,500 mw. JSW Energy is one of the eight companies that signed agreements with the state government in 2005 to set up power plants. As per the MoEF website, 11 thermal power projects are awaiting environmental clearance. "Almost the whole of coastline of Maharashtra is industrialized and some parts of Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg are left intact.

The forest rights act was delivered a near-death blow in the supreme court on January 8, 2008. The court was hearing the Orissa government's plea for regularization of tribal settlement on

The multi-crore Polavaram project in Andhra Pradesh is currently embroiled in legal issues. But now, the project is being contested on technical issues as well. A study carried out by the

Proposes to irrigate around 230,000 hectares in Vijaywada, West & East Godavari and Visakhapatnam districts

Much to the Andhra Pradesh government's dismay, the National Environmental Appellate Authority has quashed the environmental clearance for the state's multi-crore Indira Sagar Project, formerly known

The document on Project Snow Leopard launched by MoEF recently. It stresses on the landscape approach to wildlife conservation in the Himalayan high altitudes and is based on principles of robust science and community involvement in conservation.
