Enable Block: 

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Elephant Energy Private Limited Vs. V.K. Jain & Others dated 11/01/2017 regarding waste to energy plant at Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Almitra H. Patel & Others Vs. Union of India & Others dated 11/01/2017 regarding generation and management of all kinds of wastes (municipal solid wastes, hospital hazardous wastes).

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Western Zone Bench, Pune) in the matter of Prakash Bhai Dhakad Vs Vadodara Municipal Seva Sadan dated 06/01/2017 regarding functioning of Solid Waste Management Plant at Atladara within the limits of Vadodara Municipal Corporation.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Krishankant Singh & Ors. Vs. Union of India & Others dated 04/01/2017 regarding dumping of municipal solid wastes on the river bank of Ganga, Uttar Pradesh, 04/01/2017.The Counsel appearing for Krishankant Singh (Applicant) shall take out Notices to the State of Uttar Pradesh and all the local authorities responsible for removal of Municipal Solid Wastes.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Western Zone Bench, Pune) in the matter of Ravindra Vs The Commissioner, Latur & Others dated 03/01/2017 regarding munincipal solid waste management, Latur, Maharashtra.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Western Zone Bench, Pune) in the matter of Bhau Saheb Vs. The State of Maharashtra dated 02/01/2017 regarding construction of sanitary landfill at Burudgaon and Savedi, Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra.

NGT on finding that the construction of sanitary landfill is stuck in administrative wrangle and is awaiting technical sanction from Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran (MJP) directs Chief Engineer, Maharashtra Jeevan Pardhikaran to expeditiously dispose off the proposal submitted for construction of landfill.

The study was carried out to analyze behavioural pattern of stakeholders–inhabitants of Chandrapur city as well as employees of Chandrapur Municipal Corporation (CMC)–towards the “Clean India Mission” scheme as compared with previous scheme of women’s self help group. For behavioural change analysis field survey was carried out in October 2015 in Chandrapur city. Total 41 respondent including inhabitants and employees of CMC were interviewed.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sukhdev Vihar Residents Welfare Association & Ors. Vs. State of NCT of Delhi & Ors. dated 23/12/2016. According to the Counsel appearing for the South Delhi Municipal Corporation they are entitled to 6.14% on revenue sharing basis for power generation (waste to energy plant) from the date of plant commissioned for power generation. However, according to the Project Proponent they are liable to pay 3% of the revenue sharing for power generation eight years from the date of commencement.

Judgement of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Almitra H. Patel & Others VsMinistry of Health and Family Welfare & Others dated 22/12/2016 regarding steps to improve the practices presently adopted for collection, storage, transportation, disposal, treatment and recycling of Municipal Solid Waste popularly known as “garbage” generated in various cities across India.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Vivek Kamboj & Anr. Vs. Union of India & Ors. dated 22/12/2016 regarding leachate from Bandhwari solid waste treatment plant situated on the Gurgaon-Faridabad border.The Counsel appearing for the State of Haryana submits that the financial bid for establishment of Waste to Energy Plant at Gurgaon and Faridabad would be opened on 30th December, 2016 and the contract would be awarded in January, 2017.
