KOHIMA, Jan 6: Wild animal meat may be a delicacy for many Nagas, but the trend is slowly eating Nagaland

KOHIMA, Jan 4: With an annual production of over 200 metric tons, beekeeping in Nagaland has become a lucrative business. Traditional beekeepers, with help and support from the Nagaland Beekeeping and Honey Mission (NBHM), have developed beekeeping into a mini industry, producing one of the finest quality honey in the world.

KOHIMA, Jan 3: Forest Minister MC Konyak made a three-day tour of Peren Forest Division recently. In a press note issued divisional forest officer, Peren, Samuel Changkija stated:

The thematic Report on ‘The Role of Women in Natural Resource Management’ highlights the role of women in preservation of plant species, flora and fauna and on their livelihood options. This report widens people’s awareness on the role of women in retarding the effects of resource depletion.

Kohima, Dec 26: Five herbal gardens have been established this year in Nagaland to conserve medicinal plants, popularizing use of local medicinal and aromatic plants among others.


Kohima, Dec.

KOHIMA, Dec 12: A consultative workshop of bio-diversity conservation at Tuensang has decided to form an eastern Nagaland bio-diversity conservation corridor, bordering Myanmar and a conservation area network comprising four border districts of the State.

KOHIMA, Dec 7: Critical opinion on Green Concerns is advising policy-makers of Nagaland that support systems of conservation, sustenance and safeguard should be in place prior to enacting Biological Diversity Rules or Act in Nagaland.

The Assam State AIDS Control Society has started implementing the phase III of the National AIDS Control Society (NACP), with the main objective of halting and reversing the trend of the AIDS epidemic by the year 2012.

The number of HIV positive cases detected in the State in the year 2010 till September was 798.
