The ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) has beefed up a detailed plan to relocate 1,000 primitive Chenchu tribal families from the core area of the Nagarjungsagar-Srisailam Tiger Reserve.

New Delhi, June 30: The Union ministry of environment & forests (MoEF) has beefed up a detailed plan to relocate 1,000 Chenchu tribal families from the core area of the Nagarjungsagar-Srisailam Tiger Reserve reserve.

Tribals as first line of defence in Project Tiger? Nallamala offers a complex case.


M. Rajeev

HYDERABAD: Over 1,000 families, predominantly tribals, residing in the core of the Nagarjunasagar-Srisailam tiger reserve are likely to be relocated as part of the efforts to revive the sanctuary, considered to be one of the largest in the country.

The Andhra Pradesh government

Amidst reports of tiger deaths, there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel with wildlife officials spotting over 112 big cat cubs in national parks across the country.

Hyderabad, Jan. 27: Poachers belonging to the Bawaria tribe are on the prowl in the Nagarjunasagar Srisailam Tiger Reserve at Nallamalas in the state, but the forest department is yet to act.

The forest wing has also not implemented the security plan formulated by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) for tiger reserves in the state.

Sept. 23: The chief wildlife warden of the state, Mr Hitesh Malhotra, has banned the shooting of films in the Nagarjunasagar-Srisailam Tiger Reserve at Nallamala stating that the chase scenes, flood lights and other shooting activities pose a serious threat to wild life, particularly the tigers.

May 25: What is the tiger population in the state? Nobody is sure as different agencies are coming up with different numbers.

With the DNA fingerprinting technology by collecting scat and hair samples failing to take off, officials have conducted the latest survey based on the pug mark technology.

Hyderabad, May 15: The tiger population in the Nagarjunasagar Srisailam Tiger Reserve has been put at around 75 including cubs, according to the latest census by the Wild Life Wing of the AP forest department.

Sources in the department said that there are around 100 panthers in the tiger reserve area.
