Another monsoon, and the level of fear and tension rises in Harsud and other towns affected by the Sardar Sarovar project.

Madhya Pradesh s amended rehabilitation policy may render dam affected tribals of 14 villages landless

As approval for a crucial increase in the height of the Sardar Sarovar dam is awaited, there is concern about whether Maharashtra will complete the resettlement and rehabilitation of the affected p

To halt dam linked dislocation

Thirty years of planning, 15 years of construction, ten years of promises and Rs 15,000 crore later, the Sardar Sarovar Project is finally functioning officially. But...

SSP was originally and primarily an irrigation and hydropower project. Today there is a shift in focus: one talks only of drinking water

Narmada dam row rages

The Narmada Control Authority (NCA) has given the go-ahead for raising the height of the Sardar Sarovar dam on Narmada river from 95 metres (m) to 100 m. Several thousand people are faced with the

Words on Water

Learn the intricate art of mismanaging water
