Do Arundhati Roy and M L Khurana understand what they are doing by undermining yet another institution of our democracy?

People pump out water as if it rains underground. There is no shortage of water but a dearth of application of mind

The Maheshwar hydroelectric project on Narmada river in Madhya Pradesh has suffered another setback. The Portuguese government has refused to become a guarantor for a loan of Rs 200 crore being given

Two years after the first agitation against the Maheshwar hydel power project at Jalud in Khar-gone, Madhya Pradesh, activists of the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) have yet again mobilised

Activists against the Narmada dam gear up to face the submergence of the first set of villages

AN exhibition of photographs by Rajnikant Yadav, entitled "Images of Narmada', was held from December 9 to 15 at the Indian International Centre, New Delhi. It documented the culture of various

In the present study, the temporal patterns of monsoon floods on five large rivers of the Deccan Peninsula have been investigated. Analyses of the long-term annual maximum discharge/state data, available for the last 100 years or so, show non-random behaviour in terms of distinct periods of high and low floods.

Having successfully brought the plight of the peasants and tribals of Narmada valley into international focus, MEDHA PATKAR continues her crusade against the ills of mindless 'development'. Apart from being the leader of the Narmada Bachao Andolan, she h

Vesta Dama Pawra and Bhamta Tukya Padvi, two tribals from the Sardar Sarovar submergence zone villages in Dhule district of Maharashtra, alongwith the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) leader Medha

The government and anti dam activists gave ground during the first ever talks on the controversial Sardar Sarovar Project
