The Lok Sabha passed the Biological Diversity (Amendment) Bill, which proposes to fast-track the patent application process and encourage foreign investment when it comes to the use of India’s biological resources, thus facilitating the commercial use of traditional resources.

This Report of the Standing Committee on Energy deals with action taken by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy on observations/ recommendations contained in the Twentieth Report (Seventeenth Lok Sabha) of the Committee (2020-21) on the subject ‘Tidal Power Development in India’.

This Report of the Standing Committee on Energy deals with actiontaken by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy on observations/ recommendations contained in the Twenty-First Report (Seventeenth Lok Sabha) of the Committee (2021-22) on the subject ‘Financial Constraints in Renewable Energy Sector.

This Report of the Standing Committee on Energy deals with action taken by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy on observations/recommendations contained in the Twenty-Seventh Report (Seventeenth Lok Sabha) of the Committee (2021-22) on the subject ‘Evaluation of Wind Energy in India’.

The Joint Committee on the Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023 presented its report on July 20, 2023. The Bill amends the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. The Act provides for conservation of forest land. The Bill adds and exempts certain types of land from the purview of the Act.

The Coastal Aquaculture Authority (Amendment) Bill 2023 was introduced in the Lok Sabha on April 05, 2023. The Bill was introduced by Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying Minister which seeks to amend the Coastal Aquaculture Authority Act 2005.

The Coastal Aquaculture Authority (Amendment) Bill 2023 was introduced in the Lok Sabha on April 05, 2023. The Bill was introduced by Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying Minister which seeks to amend the Coastal Aquaculture Authority Act 2005.

A Parliamentary panel has asked the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) to revive one MW solar thermal power plant at the National Institute of Solar Energy, saying that the "project led to an infructuous expenditure." A grid-interactive solar thermal power plant, with a capacity of 1 MW at Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) radiation of 60

The Twenty-sixth Report of the Committee on Estimates (2022-23) on ‘Evaluation of Electric Vehicle (EV) Policy’ pertaining to the Ministry of Heavy Industries (MHI) was presented to Lok Sabha on 24th March, 2023.

The Standing Committee on Chemical & Fertilizers in its report on Nano Fertilizers listed the benefits of Nano urea and wanted the govt’s fertilizer PSUs to adopt the nanotechnology-based plants for its multiple benefits to the farmers.
