Question raised in Lok Sabha on Wildlife Sanctuaries, 20/07/2018. The details of the wildlife Sanctuaries in the country including Madhya Pradesh is given at Annexure.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Pollution Emanated from Thermal Power Plants, 20/07/2018. The coal based thermal power plants are identified as one the 17 highly polluting industries. There are 182 coal based thermal power plants (independent power producers) of which 32 plants are located near cities. The list of thermal power plants is given at Annexure I. The compliance monitoring is carried out by the respective State Pollution Control Boards. Surprise inspection of 38 thermal power plants in various states based on analysis of data of Online Emission Monitoring System has been done.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Level of Air Pollution, 20/07/2018. The ambient air quality is being monitored at 703 ambient air quality monitoring stations covering 307 cities/towns in 29 States and 6 Union Territories
under National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP). Under NAMP, three air pollutants viz., Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Particulate Matter (PM10) are being monitored at all the locations. Ambient air quality data for 46 million plus cities including Delhi is attached at Annexure-I

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Forest Fires, 20/07/2018. The details of forest fire alerts issued to all State/ Union Territory Forest Departments during the last three years is given in Annexure-I. The details of fund released to State/UT Governments for various forest protection measures including forest fire prevention and management under the erstwhile Intensification of Forest Management Scheme (IFMS) and the ongoing Forest Fire Prevention and Management (FPM) during the last three years is given in Annexure-II.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Conservation of Lakes and Rivers, 20/07/2018. The State-wise details of identified polluted river stretches, including Tamil Nadu, are at Annexure-I. The State-wise status of lakes complying/noncomplying to designated water quality criteria, including Tamil Nadu, is at Annexure-II. State-wise details of rivers covered and funds released under NRCP, including Tamil Nadu, are given at Annexure-III. State-wise details of lakes and wetlands covered as well as funds released under NPCA, including Tamil Nadu, are given at Annexure-IV.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Allocation of Funds under CAMPA, 20/07/2018. State/UT-wise list of fund released from Adhoc CAMPA during last three years is placed at Annexure-A.

Just 849 of the 8,214 projects under the Watershed Development Component of the flagship Prime Minister Krishi Sinchayee Yojana have seen “official closure” till date says this new report by the Standing Committee on Rural Development

TParliamentary committee on rural development dismissed the central government’s claim of achieving about 84 per cent of the sanitation coverage in the rural areas u

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin), 19/07/2018. Rural sanitation coverage in the country at the launch of Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) [SBM(G)] on 2.10.2014 was 38.7%. State/UT-wise details of coverage as on 2.10.2014 andIndividual household latrines (IHHLs) constructed from 2.10.2014 to 16.7.2018, yearwise, are given in Annexure-1. State-wisepercentage households with access to toilets and toilet usages isgiven at Annexure-2.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Road Accidents, 19/07/2018. As per the data received from police department of States/UTs, 150,785 persons and 1,47,913 persons were killed in road accidents during the calendar years 2016 and 2017 respectively. State/UT-wise details of persons killed in road accidents during the calendar years 2016 and 2017 is Annexed.
