Question raised in Lok Sabha on Poaching and Trafficking of Wildlife, 21/06/2019. Confirmed cases of poaching and seizures from the year 2012 to 2018 are at Annexure-I. The steps taken/being taken by the Government of India through the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) to check poaching is at Annexure-II.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Poaching and Trafficking of Wildlife, 21/06/2019. Confirmed cases of poaching and seizures from the year 2012 to 2018 are at Annexure-I. The steps taken/being taken by the Government of India through the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) to check poaching is at Annexure-II.

Hyderabad: There has been an increase in the number of turtles at the Neknampur lake.

African elephant poaching rates have dropped by 60 per cent in six years, an international study has found.

Under a leaden sky, six rangers walk silently in single file through Vohibola, one of the last primary forests in eastern Madagascar.

Ongwediva — Johannes Bokoma Nashikaku, who was earlier this month convicted of dealing with protected wildlife products, was on Tuesday slapped with a N$30 000 fine or alternatively three years imp

Starting July 1, anyone in Japan who wishes to register and sell a whole elephant tusk must first prove its age through carbon dating.

China is committed to supporting conservation of Africa's iconic wildlife species amid threats linked to poaching, climatic stress and high rate of urbanization, an official said on Monday.

Three rhino poachers are behind bars awaiting their sentencing after a Durban magistrate convicted them at the end of a 10-year trial.

An investigation by Buzzfeed News revealed how for years, paramilitary anti-poaching forces funded and trained by WWF have killed and tortured indigenous villagers on the fringes of national pa
