Australian scientists have developed a new technique to treat industrial and farm effluents

The environment bench of the chief justice has directed the West Bengal Pollution Control Board to serve notice on well-known environmentalist, M C Mehta. The notice would include information that

Can the Indian two wheeler industry face up to the challenge of meeting the toughest emission norms in the world?

Delhi's district and sessions court has overruled objections raised by 26 shut down polluting industries, regarding the land that has to be surrendered by them to the Delhi Development Authority

A coal based power plant in Chittorgarh shows that even old plants can be non polluting

Electronic giant NEC of Japan

They may not seem like much today, but only a fool will undermine the potential of fuel cells

Narrow business interests and an apathetic political leadership will never allow fuel cells to take off

In which we trace where the world stands with fuel cells and some clear signals of the technology to come

High costs discourage the use of low sulphur fuels
