The Andhra Pradesh High Court on Thursday directed the state government and the AP Pollution Control Board to file a report on the implementation of Supreme Court directions with regard to pollution control measures in Patancheru industrial area. While dealing with a batch of writ petitions, a division bench comprising Justice B. Prakash Rao and C.Y. Somayajulu expressed dissatisfaction over the delay in the implementation of the Apex court orders.

Mining giant Rio Tinto has published a report of its efforts to reduce the company's environmental impact in 2007. The report focuses on emissions to air and water, waste management, land stewardship and climate change. The report and a summary of Rio Tinto's CSR strategy can be found on the company's website.

Czechs Invites Tenders For $7 Bln Environment Clean-Up CZECH REPUBLIC: April 11, 2008 PRAGUE - The Czech government will invite firms to tender for a contract to repair environmental damage worth 114 billion crowns (US$7.18 billion), the finance ministry said on Thursday.

Czechs Invites Tenders For $7 Bln Environment Clean-Up CZECH REPUBLIC: April 11, 2008 PRAGUE - The Czech government will invite firms to tender for a contract to repair environmental damage worth 114 billion crowns (US$7.18 billion), the finance ministry said on Thursday.

A Euro 500m gas storage plant has been approved by the Irish Planning Board. An Bord Pleanala approved construction of the facility in the Shannon Estuary, between Ballylongford and Tarbert in County Kerry. It is believed that the plant will be capable of supplying around 60% of the country's gas needs and will feature five large storage tanks. The tanks will also be used to store strategic reserves of gas, which could be used in the event of a world energy crisis.

In the first week 700, last week 885 and this week 911.

Three Pollution Control Vessels are soon to be commissioned by the Indian Coast Guard, said Inspector General (West) Rajendra Singh, during a

Mass petition from the villagers of Nakrasota, P.S. Hirapur

On January 24, the Gujarat Pollution Control Board, gpcb, asked 15 polluting industrial units in Ankleshwar to close down. The regulatory body said the units violated environmental and pollution

Facing ever-increasing costs, the us Department of Energy has given up a plan to build the world's largest clean-coal power plant and carbon sequestration facility. At the time of the
