This is a High Court order of Gujarat of special civil application No. 12896 of 2010 regarding the time and venue of the public hearing scheduled for the two projects of M/s Mundra Port and Special Economic Zone Ltd and M/s Kutch Power Generation Ltd. on 5.10.2010 at village Luni.

Report of the Meena Gupta committee constituted to investigate into the proposal submitted by POSCO India Pvt. Limited for establishment of an Integrated Steel Plant and Captive Port in Jagatsinghpur District, Orissa.

Tiki Rajwi

THIRUVANATHAPURAM: Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is likely to become part of the proposal for the multi-crore Vizhinjam seaport project.

The Karnataka Government on Thursday said it proposed to set up a fishing port in every 30 kms stretch in coastal regions of the state for providing impetus to the fishing industry.

Currently, there are nine fishing ports on the state's 3600 km long coastline, Anand Asnotikar, Minister for Fisheries and Science and Technology, told reporters here.
The state has sought Centre's assistance in de

Rashme Sehgal

The shipping ministry has asked maritime states to prepare an oil spill contingency plan, in the wake of the recent oil spill off Mumbai coast. The ministry is planning to devise a scheme for utilising oil cess collected by ports for providing assistance to mitigate oil pollution at ports.

After the devastating earthquake in 2001, Central and State Government have provided various incentives for rapid economic development of Kutch district. Mundra, one of the taluka of Kutch District, located on the bank of Northern Gulf of Kutch, having Mundra Port & Special Economic Zone, also witnessed the rapid industrial growth after 2001.

New Delhi: Shipping ministry on Tuesday asked all ports to prepare contingency plans to deal with oil spills in future.

Maritime States will prepare oil spill contingency plan: Vasan

Chennai: Union Ministry of Shipping will issue guidelines to major ports and State maritime boards to ensure safe and prompt handling of hazardous chemical goods, according to G.K.

Mumbai: Movement of goods began along the navigational channel in the Mumbai harbour, which opened partially on Thursday after a five-day shutdown, Union Shipping Minister G. K. Vasan told a press conference here.
