The company claims to have carried out potential site analysis for the port (and the steel plant). Their short-listed sites were Jatadharmohan creek (JMC) near Paradip and Dhamra port. Dhamra had already been granted to Dhamra Port Company Limited (joint venture Tata Steel and L&T) in 1999.

Priority for upgrading all major ports so as to attain global standards

CHENNAI: In the next few days, Rs.24 crore will be released by the Chennai Port Trust and Ennore Port as its contribution towards Ennore-Manali Road Improvement Project (EMRIP), said Shipping Minister G.K.

In what could further delay South Korean giant Posco

More than 80% of international trade in goods is carried by sea, and an even higher percentage of developing-country trade is carried in ships. The Review of Maritime Transport, an annual publication prepared by the Division on Technology and Logistics - UNCTAD secretariat, is an important source of information on this vital sector.

The Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority

 Reports of the expert committee constituted by Minsitry of Environment and Forests to investigate into the proposal submitted by POSCO India Pvt. Limited for establishment of an Integrated Steel Plant and Captive Port in Jagatsinghpur District, Orissa. This includes report by Meena Gupta, the Chair of the Committee and a separate report by three other members of the committee - Urmila Pingle, Devendar Pandey, V. Suresh.

This report by Mining Zone People’s Solidarity Group investigates actual impacts of the POSCO project on people of Jagatsinghpur, Keonjhar and Sundergerh in Orissa where the steel plant, the port, and the mines will be set up.

This is the executive summary of report of the committee constituted to investigate into the proposal submitted by POSCO India Pvt. Limited for establishment of an Integrated Steel Plant and Captive Port in Jagatsinghpur District, Orissa.

Majority report of the committee constituted to investigate into the proposal submitted by POSCO India Pvt. Limited for establishment of an Integrated Steel Plant and Captive Port in Jagatsinghpur District, Orissa.

This Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared based on the study of impacts due to all the possible pollution loads from the infrastructure facilities to be provided by Mundra SEZ Ltd. in the SEZ. The report has been prepared based on the guidelines recommended by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF).
