A panel, constituted by the Environment Ministry, will examine the "severity of the issues" involved in the development of Adani Port and Special Economic Zone (APSEZ) at Mundra in Gujarat's Kutch district.

The five-member committee, headed by green activist Sunita Narain, will examine several allegations including the alleged destruction of mangroves and violation of Environmental and CRZ clearance granted for the port development, a source said.

Central Empowered Committee report (supplementary) dated 5th September, 2012 of the CEC regarding alleged illegal export of iron ore from Belekeri port and associated issues.

This article is based on a visit to Mundra taluka of Kutch district, Gujarat in January 2011 to understand first hand the plunder of common property resources. It focuses on the Mundra Port and special economic zone developed by the Adani Group and a thermal power plant of OPG Power and their impact on different sections of the local community.

Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) on the proposed Vizhinjam international port and container transhipment terminal project is expected to be completed by June 30.

BHP Billiton on Thursday cleared the last external hurdle for a planned $10 billion expansion of its Port Hedland harbour in Western Australia that would help the world's biggest miner double outpu

Judgement of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Praffula Samantra Vs Union of India and Others dated 30/03/2012. This appeal is filed against the final order dated 31.1.2011 of the Ministry of Environment & Forests, imposing additional conditions to the Environmental Clearances in respect of (i) steel cum captive power plant project and (ii) captive minor port project of M/s POSCO India (for short POSCO) during the year 2007.

This report has been prepared for submission to the Governor under Article 151 of the Constitution of India. Chapter 1 deals with the findings of performance audits in Forests and Environment, Narmada, Water Resources, Water Supply & Kalpsar and Sports, Youth Services and Cultural Activities Departments.

Despite being dotted with industries, Gujarat's rich coastline is plagued by voices of dissent. Coastal communities have of late realised that the fruits of industrialisation were either too sour, or not for them at all.

The environmental campaign in Dahanu near Mumbai against the capacity MW plant started in the 1980s and ultimately led to the setting up of the Dahanu Taluka Environment Protection Authority. Even as competing lobbies continue to push for the de-notification of its status as an ecologically fragile region and removal of the Dahanu Authority the environmentalists walk a tight rope attempting to protect the natural resource base of the region.

Seven years after the 2004 tsunami, with the coastal communities in Tamil Nadu yet to reconcile with its after-effects, another disaster is gradually unfolding. A massive relief and rehabilitation campaign, largely driven by private aid with the state playing a mere regulatory role, has opened up the coast for investment, making it a most attractive zone for a new kind of disaster capitalism with ultra mega industrial projects of ports, thermal power plants and petrochemical industries. An investment-led growth regime
